Thursday, September 4, 2014

30 Days of Truth. Day 1.

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.

Ho hum. We all have things we hate about ourselves, but hate is a rather strong word I'd say. I think dislike would be much more fitting in most cases.

For me, one thing would be that I do not see in the mirror, what everyone else says they see when they look at me. I work really hard to be confident, and improve my self esteem, but most days, I just do not see what everyone else seems to see. Like most people, I am sure I see the good, as well as what I see as flaws. But, no one is perfect - and I try to keep the attitude that looks do not last forever, and it is what is inside that counts in the end. That is what I look for in others, and if others cannot look for the same in me - then they are not worth it in the end.

I do not think I am ugly, by any means. I just don't see what others see as beautiful when I look in the mirror. I'd say average - but I have learned to be ok with that, because I know what I offer in other ways can rock socks off of people. ;)

Perception can be a tricky, tricky little devil. 


  1. I think your beautiful cupcake. I think everyone struggles with self image and self asteem in one way or another.

    I know I do. Sometimes we just need to tell ourselves that we are beautiful. *Nods*

    (ps you haven't talked to me in awhile and I miss you)

    1. Imp, hey sweetie - Probably very true, I am sure a lot of people struggle with this. And I do work on that, I promise. And, thank you. :)

      I know I haven't hon, see current post to see the whys. Miss you, too. xx

  2. You are cute and one of God's children on this earth.

  3. When you resemble the picture, I only can say you are beautiful.


    1. appy - Hugs... what a sweet comment, thank you! xx

  4. I don't know what everyone else uses as their "measure" for beauty, but for me, getting a hard on is certainly one of them. You give me a hard on ... you know, for whatever that is worth.

    1. jay - lol, thank you! I am happy to know that, especially being how much all your posts make me squirm. :P hehe! xx


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts/comments! I will always do my best to respond! xx